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One from the Goodwood 74th members Meeting

EOS M3 1/400 f2.8 ISO200 22mm

This has been tone mapped in photomatix from a single image, I think it works how about you.
I don't know what tone-mapping is - but I like it. I also think it would work in mono as none of the colours are crucial to the image.

Two things spoil it for me, or at least spring to mind - the fellow with his back turned and the tree trunk just to his right. Other wise the characters and the car are great. Someone with hot image manipulation skills could probably take some of that hedgerow / building to the right of the tree trunk and cover up that couple and the tree trunk :-) But it's very good as is :-)
(Mar 29, 2016, 13:04)delb0y Wrote: [ -> ]Someone with hot image manipulation skills could probably take some of that hedgerow / building to the right of the tree trunk and cover up that couple and the tree trunk

Red rag to a bull on this site, Derek. I have to agree about the chap with his back turned. Didn't really notice the tree until you mentioned it. As I have said elsewhere, "Should have gone to Specsavers".

Great image. Car taxed for the road, as well. And I worry about my exhaust at MOT time.
Really need to see original, to comment. Ed.
John, the tax disc is out of date!
Cloning as suggested does improve it. Ed.
(Mar 29, 2016, 13:04)delb0y Wrote: [ -> ].....it's very good as is :-)

I would agree with that and leave it alone.

The tree is not intrusive to my view; it is part of the environment and part of the natural background. It could be assumed that the central couple are engaged in conversation about the car, so they are also a legitimate part of the story in the photo.

(If you wanted to be really picky, the one thing out of keeping with rest of the scene is the pair of Adidas shoes! Smile )
