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[attachment=6004] I got on the bus to get to this spot to take this shot.What you think about this one?...Wes
I like it. Without proper post processing it is an admirable effort. I would be happy to have taken that. It features my signature "frame".
Some ,may say the foliage s a bit obtrusive, the pic looks good to me. All I have done is sharpen it, you should see a difference? Cheers. Ed.
It is a lovely scene, Wes. I agree with John - I like shots with a natural frame, though for me there is just a bit too much of it in this image so it tends to dominate the composition. Similarly, I agree with Ed that it needs a bit of sharpening, but not the framing foliage because the latter does then become more of a distraction from the rest of the scene. If it were mine I would also warm the tones slightly (i.e. reduce the blues).

