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[attachment=6313] My first shot at long exposure night sky,i was able to take a few shots before the clouds came rolling in. f5.6, 30s ,iso 3200 @55mm
A great image, if a little noisy. Only to be expected at such a high ISO, but some good noise reduction software could improve that. Love the ethereal effect the clouds give.
This image of the night sky is made more interesting by the inclusion of the foliage and, as John has mentioned, by the moving clouds.

The colour seems unreal to me - an overall yellow-orange tint; perhaps a white balance error when the shot was taken?


(May 15, 2016, 04:07)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]This image of the night sky is made more interesting by the inclusion of the foliage and, as John has mentioned, by the moving clouds.

The colour seems unreal to me - an overall yellow-orange tint; perhaps a white balance error when the shot was taken?

Thanks,white balance was set at 'sun',forgot to set to ;incandesent...Wes

I never adjust the white balance "in camera". I only ever make adjustments in post processing. The camera I leave set for Auto WB.
[attachment=6315] Here is another shot from the same night with white balance corrections...Wes
That is a better one, Wes.

(May 15, 2016, 08:18)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]That is a better one, Wes.


The problem with the second shot is the bright lights have caused flare on the lens. Moving a few feet to the left would have tucked them in behind the bushes.
Improving now Wes, keep at it. Ed.