Jul 11, 2016, 17:58
ShutterTalk Digital Photography Open Competition (Contest) July/August 2016: Hot Summer Days
NEW GUIDELINES for this Competition: Please Read Below
Category: Hot Summer Days
Contest Begins: July 11, 2016
Contest Ends: August 31, 2016
Open To: ShutterTalk Digital Photography Forum Members
Contest Type: International Photography Competition (Contest)
Prize: Amazon Gift Card (Undisclosed Amount)
NOTE: This contest will be for the remaining of July through the month of August.
Submit up to three photos of digital photographs of some of your best photo shots with the theme "Hot Summer Months." This is an open category and can include a variety of styles of photography.
For this particular competition, the photos do not have a time limit on when they have been taken. Photos entered can be from years ago, as well as more recently. They just need to be posted in this thread by the end of the competition to be counted within this contest.
Images must be posted here in this forum thread and be owned legally by the contributing member. Please also submit information about where the photo was taken along with some brief details.
The photograph should be interesting and draw the individual into the scene! We look forward to seeing your photographs!
Judging will consider different criteria including, but not limited to, creativity, relevance to the category, and photo quality. Judging will occur when the contest ends and results will be posted in the forums as soon as possible.
Winning Multiple Times During Monthly Contests - NEW
A member can be chosen as the winner twice within a six month period. This will even the "playing field" to some degree to allow other members the ability to enter their high-quality photographs and have the opportunity to also be chosen as the winner during a new monthly contest theme.
Please refrain from commenting on other's posts in this thread until the contest end date.
How do I upload photos on the forums?
Here are a few threads which should be helpful in uploading photos to the forums. Please feel free to send me a message if you need additional help.
How To Attach Multiple Photos
How To Attach Photos
Letting Others Know about the Contest
We would love to let others know about our contests. We plan to have a contest each month. If you have friends who love photography, please let them know!
If you love social media, please share with your media friends about the contest on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, your blogs, everywhere! We would love to have them in here in the forums and be a part of the contests!
Please let us know if you have any questions!
NEW GUIDELINES for this Competition: Please Read Below
Category: Hot Summer Days
Contest Begins: July 11, 2016
Contest Ends: August 31, 2016
Open To: ShutterTalk Digital Photography Forum Members
Contest Type: International Photography Competition (Contest)
Prize: Amazon Gift Card (Undisclosed Amount)
NOTE: This contest will be for the remaining of July through the month of August.
Submit up to three photos of digital photographs of some of your best photo shots with the theme "Hot Summer Months." This is an open category and can include a variety of styles of photography.
For this particular competition, the photos do not have a time limit on when they have been taken. Photos entered can be from years ago, as well as more recently. They just need to be posted in this thread by the end of the competition to be counted within this contest.
Images must be posted here in this forum thread and be owned legally by the contributing member. Please also submit information about where the photo was taken along with some brief details.
The photograph should be interesting and draw the individual into the scene! We look forward to seeing your photographs!
Judging will consider different criteria including, but not limited to, creativity, relevance to the category, and photo quality. Judging will occur when the contest ends and results will be posted in the forums as soon as possible.
Winning Multiple Times During Monthly Contests - NEW
A member can be chosen as the winner twice within a six month period. This will even the "playing field" to some degree to allow other members the ability to enter their high-quality photographs and have the opportunity to also be chosen as the winner during a new monthly contest theme.
Please refrain from commenting on other's posts in this thread until the contest end date.
How do I upload photos on the forums?
Here are a few threads which should be helpful in uploading photos to the forums. Please feel free to send me a message if you need additional help.
How To Attach Multiple Photos
How To Attach Photos
Letting Others Know about the Contest
We would love to let others know about our contests. We plan to have a contest each month. If you have friends who love photography, please let them know!
If you love social media, please share with your media friends about the contest on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, your blogs, everywhere! We would love to have them in here in the forums and be a part of the contests!
Please let us know if you have any questions!