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Tonight at our photography class we had an up and coming stand-up comedian, Tim Hoskins AKA "Marti", come in for some publicity shots. Got a few that I'm happy with. Here's one to start with - the idea being there's plenty of space for text / dates etc.

[Image: 29758778081_9384489133_z.jpg]

Marti B&W by Derek Rutherford, on Flickr
I do like your use of light in this image, Derek. Plenty of space for text. Ever tried it for your own band ?
Superb photograph.
Impressive. Ed.
Cheers guys. I've just about narrowed it down to half a dozen shots that I'm going to submit to Tim. All the other photographers will no doubt do the same so the lucky fellow will have plenty to chose from. He specifically asked for a Facebook banner style photo, too. According to the web the dimensions for such things are 828 x 315 so I've come up with the attached.
Nit picking a bit Derek. On my monitor, pic lacks punch, as I see it?? Cheers. Ed.
Always good to get a second opinion, Ed. Strangely enough one of the things we were talking about last night is my predilection and preference for darker images. Too much Rembrandt and Caravaggio when I was studying art :-)
Rembrandt and Caravaggio

Not a drink I recall, but you are younger than me. Cheers. Ed.
So here's the current set (over two posts) that I'm thinking of offering up. Our photography class has some truly top class photographers who regularly appear in salons, magazines, have a variety of RPS and other distinctions, do weddings, motorsports events professionally and all sorts. I'm way down ability-wise, and I suspect that "Marti" will find far more usable shots in the submissions of others, but it's been fun to do this and try and meet a "brief".

I've had to discard an awful lot of photos I really liked pose-wise and idea-wise because they were too soft or had other flaws. I only had a 35mm lens on me (we didn't know in advance what we would be doing). Wished I'd had my 90mm prime on me, too. Also wished I owned a 50mm prime because that would have been perfect. But still, I like these and I learned a lot.

The vast quantities of black space is purely intentional and is there for text to be added. Not sure the first one works - but the focus on the hand (hand gestures are very important to "Marti") rather than the face, but at the moment it's in the final set.
Final two:
Oops there's an incorrect one above and I can't Edit it out. The third one in the first post is not one of my final subs. Instead it should be the image I started this thread with.