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Full Version: Super Moon 2016
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Shot this evening, a couple of hours after sunset. Not usually a fan of shooting the Full Moon, prefer a 3/4 as you get much better crater details.

The November Moon, 2016.
Canon 7DII, 1/60th, F/11, 500mm, ISO100

[Image: 30935542626_9cdf7c4718_b.jpg]The Super Moon, November 2016. by Craig Hadfield, on Flickr
Nice shot, and nicely positioned in the frame. I am afraid there is to much extraneous light noise here for such a detailed shot.
(Nov 14, 2016, 01:35)Jocko Wrote: [ -> ]Nice shot, and nicely positioned in the frame. I am afraid there is to much extraneous light noise here for such a detailed shot.

Same here John. Plus a hefty dose of cloud cover didn't help matters.

Best regards.

I shot in the city, thinking tonight I might drive an hour up into the mountains tonight, the air is clearer at 8,000', and well away from the lights.