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[attachment=6773]The waves are rolling in now as the wind intensifies.Give me your take on this one...thanks...Wes
The image and its histogram both indicate that the shot was under-exposed. Given the title, that might have been intentional, but for me the waves, and foreground rocks in particular, deserve that bit of extra exposure and clarity.

Looks great Philip,I did not do any editing,my software not working.I use a slower shutter speed to get a smoother and milky effect with the waves.1/25s,F16,ISO 100...WES
Nicely done, prefer teh mood and feel of the original.
Hi Wes,
Here is my take on the shot.


The problem with Bermuda is that it still looks rather pleasant even with a storm approaching. I converted to B+W in an attempt to give more of a sense of impending doom.
Regards,  Mike.
(Nov 20, 2016, 13:18)Browser Mike Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Wes,
Here is my take on the shot.

The problem with Bermuda is that it still looks rather pleasant even with a storm approaching. I converted to B+W in an attempt to give more of a sense of impending doom.
Regards,  Mike.

Looks good mike,never tried B+W,Thanks...Wes
A bit more stormy? Ed.
(Nov 20, 2016, 14:05)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]A bit more stormy?  Ed.

Great editing Ed...What was your settings,Thanks...Wes
99% P/S auto settings. opened in Bridge, did Auto bits, opened in P/S proper, used Shadow/Highlights. Then manually, Unsharp Mask, strange title! sharpened by 75%. Liked what I see, done.

B & W version. Cheers. Ed.
(Nov 21, 2016, 10:09)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]99% P/S auto settings. opened in Bridge, did Auto bits, opened in P/S proper, used Shadow/Highlights. Then manually, Unsharp Mask, strange title! sharpened by 75%. Liked what I see, done.

B & W version.   Cheers.  Ed.

Thanks... Wes