DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: New here: Hi everyone!
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Hello everybody!

I am new here so I'm shooting out an introduction!
My name is Gerben, 32 year old from the Netherlands, but currently travelling around Europe in my campervan (now in Tarifa, Spain). 
I've been a commercial photographer for the last 8 years (if you're curious check out my website: www.gerbengrotenhuis.com) , most jobs were in the Netherlands, but currently trying to make a buck on the road (I'll make a video on how I do that later). 

Would love to learn more about photography and more about the great people here! 


[Image: 15894253_10206218711545761_1936176165805...e=5996AF6E]
Welcome Gerben. Good to have you here in the forums. Settle in and enjoy yourself.
( PS. Love that shot ! )
Welcome, Gerben.
Hello Gerben

Welcome to Shuttertalk. Love the photo; sunsets, sea and sky are what I photograph most.

Hey Gerben.

Welcome. Just been having a scout round your site - you have it going on, as they say! Love many of those shots - will be asking lots of question of you, I'm sure!

Welcome to Shuttertalk. Smile
Thank you all for the warm welcomes! Big Grin
Hello and welcome! Thanks for joining us!