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Full Version: Most impressive photography books (Wishlist)
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Hi there all!
Over the years I have been very lucky to have had a lot of great photography books in my hands (great books of art and inspiration by great men; not instruction manuals, although they sometimes can be great as well; its not what i am talking about here). On my shell I have a few, including "dogs" by Elliot Erwitt, "The moment it clicks" and "The Hot Shoe Diaries" by Joe McNally, and "Heaven to Hell" by LaChapelle. 
Hwever: On my wishlist are still two (which both are very expensive) : Waits / Corbijn, and the most impressive one:
"Before they pass away" by Jimmy Nelson.

[Image: 51VwJAxofyL._SX415_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]
The story behind this book is most fascinating, although it has also gotten a lot of criticism.
There is a backstage trailer about this book here

But now:  I am of course always looking for more Wink
What is on your shelf and what is on your wishlist? I would love to hear some great inspiration!
Hi Gerben
I recently discovered Jimmy Nelson, i'm not into documentary style that much, but still, when i found out about his work and took a look at his pictures i saw pictures similar of
of those from photographers i used to look up and realised that a lot photographers are to copying him
regards Robert