These images were taken in 1966 at Cape Town Docks. It was a dull, rainy day and I used Eastman motion picture folm rated at ISO 400 in Acufine (nominally ISO 80) in a Nikon F fitted with a Nikkor-H 50mm f2 lens. The negs have not fared well in storage and there are some scratches and dust marks, but I think the subject matter is more important than worrying about a few scratches. You can view all of the images here:
Great series, the dust and scratches add to the image for my eye in this case, rather than detracting. Thanks for sharing.
You've been around, well worth the look.
Used Acufine with Ilford HP4 Plates, 400 ASA, when shooting Rugby/Football on dreary November days, about 3pm. Ed.
(May 23, 2017, 08:24)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]You've been around, well worth the look.
Used Acufine with Ilford HP4 Plates, 400 ASA, when shooting Rugby/Football on dreary November days, about 3pm. Ed.
I still have an unused tin of Acufine.
Fabulous nostalgic series !
(May 23, 2017, 13:43)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]outdated?? Ed.
You bet! By 30 years!! But I'll still give it a try someday.
(May 22, 2017, 09:50)GrahamS Wrote: [ -> ]These images were taken in 1966 at Cape Town Docks. It was a dull, rainy day and I used Eastman motion picture folm rated at ISO 400 in Acufine (nominally ISO 80) in a Nikon F fitted with a Nikkor-H 50mm f2 lens. The negs have not fared well in storage and there are some scratches and dust marks, but I think the subject matter is more important than worrying about a few scratches. You can view all of the images here:
I like the texture of the photos. Maybe it's a part of using film. They look archived. That's what I like about them.
Don, if I could still obtain my favorite "proper" films (not some approximation re-branded as such) Tri-X, Verichrome Pan, Plus-X pro, FP3, I would still be shooting film.
An era i never saw,born in ' 92.Thank you for sharing Graham, i still believe you should create a book, i would buy it!
(May 31, 2017, 12:08)RobertMurariu Wrote: [ -> ]An era i never saw,born in ' 92.Thank you for sharing Graham, i still believe you should create a book, i would buy it!
Thank you for your praise - makes it all worthwhile. Watch this space.......
I like all of them I really like the 3rd one with the steam from the old engine
(Jun 1, 2017, 15:11)jjford43 Wrote: [ -> ]I like all of them I really like the 3rd one with the steam from the old engine
The entire rail network was mostly steam driven in those days.