Earlier in the week I took a little trip through part of Yosemite NP here is a few of the photos I took enjoy.
all was taken with a D-7200 with a 18-55 lens
# 1 20MM f4.5 1/160 iso 640
# 2 18mm f-5 1/100 iso 640 in effects mode
# 3 55mm f5.6 1/320 iso 640
I went through there last week and the valley was one giant parking lot, so crowded, ended up heading out to shoot rafting on the Merced instead.
Nice series.
Superb shots, jj, processed in-camera I presume? No2 has quite a lot of appeal. You and Don Schaeffer should compare notes.
(Jun 2, 2017, 03:19)GrahamS Wrote: [ -> ]Superb shots, jj, processed in-camera I presume? No2 has quite a lot of appeal. You and Don Schaeffer should compare notes.
No they was processed in light room no2 that is how it came out of the camera only lighter that mode seems to under expose I increased the exposure some and used the light and dark sliders to bring the color up