Here is a photo of one of my so-called Easter lilies that I took a few days ago. This one was taken with a D7100 sporting my Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 lens. I did select the background and darken and blur it slightly. The flower itself is straight out of the camera. The only other thing I did was crop and resize for posting.
Please would you go to your profile settings and enter your name as a signature, as we all like to be on first name terms here.
If you had posted this in the photo critique forum I would have commented that I think your colour balance is a bit off - way too cold. But you may want it this way.
It's a little too big for me to see on this here laptop - and as we don't get scroll bars (or at least I don't) I can't see the right hand side. Left hand side looks good though!!
Thanks for the feedback. It is a little dark. It appears to be a little darker or colder on this post than it does as an image on my computer. A little big - yes. I goofed on the size and resolution. Will try a repost to see if I have it right now.
Repost for size and a little warmer.
Much nicer WB in the second one, probably the sizing but the reqorked one also seems sharper. Nicely Done.
Getting there. Ed.
Good advert for posting in Critique. Ed.
Jeffrey, is your monitor calibrated? Are you using sRGB colour space?
Jeffrey, apologies that your image is being the subject of critique in the Showcase section and, as Graham and Ed have hinted, perhaps it should be posted in a different section. However, this comment is going to continue to break the rules!
Contributors seem to think that the colour balance of the image is too cool (blue) and, if it is a white flower, I also agree. In fact, I think the edited version is just a touch lighter than the first but still predominantly blue-cyan biased. So it seems quite possible that we might not be seeing what you are seeing, and Graham could have hit the nail on the head in Post #9 with a question about calibration.
Jeffrey, please forgive my impertinence in editing your image, but there is no other way to illustrate what we are getting at. I have corrected the colour balance to eliminate the blue cast and re-set the white and black points.
Thank you again for the help and suggestions. You are all more masterful at this than I am. No, my monitor is not calibrated. I have been using it for so long I can pretty much tell what my image will print like. I send all my images out for printing and I always get extremely good results. I always deny color correction upon printing and the results are great. I use Corel Paintshop Pro x9 Ultimate for my post processing in RGB. I do have and use many of the Topaz and NIK plugins. I like to play and dabble at different techniques. This photo is of a white flower. Graham's adjustments did make it whiter without the blue cast, but also lost some detail in the petals. I do like it. Thank you again and have a GREAT DAY. I will keep on learning and next time I will post in the critique section.
Anyway, you did a great job! And got wonderful results) I like your photos more than edited) Always worth learning new, but do not forget what is)