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Full Version: California wildfires
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You’ve probably heard by now about the devastating wildfires occurring in Northern and Southern California. I happen to work just a few miles from the Anaheim Hills fire, which affected thousands of acres in the general Disneyland area.

Here are a handful of photos I shot on Monday, the first 3 using an iPhone (“the camera I had with me”) and the last using a Nikon Coolpix (“a slightly better camera I had access to”), all post-processed slightly with a suitable ominous HDR effect.

[Image: fire1.jpg]
[Image: fire2.jpg]
[Image: fire3.jpg]
[Image: fire4.jpg]
Nicely done. I like the style--very expressive.
I'm up in the Central Valley and the Yosemite fires, plus Roseville etc have made the air very unhealthy this past month. Add to that my in-laws losing their home in the Santa Rosa fire and it's been quite a month.