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Full Version: Lansdowne woods
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Canon EOS 70D
EF-S17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM
[*]55.0 mm
[*]1/10 sec
[*]100 iso. Taken in Lansdowne near Bath. Camera mounted on a tripod. Converted to mono in Photoshop. I like the eerie feel monochrome portrays.[img][Image: 38089234192_c1a5ea31a3_c.jpg]_mg_5322 hut mono by derek webber, on Flickr[/img]
Great atmosphere, and a nice storey, I want to look further into the shed and find out whats going on, good idea to go for the monochrome look, as its quite a flat photo on colour; what would I do different? other than making it a little darker perhaps, other than that a great photo.
(Dec 12, 2017, 14:19)MarkLant Wrote: [ -> ]Great atmosphere, and a nice storey, I want to look further into the shed and find out whats going on, good idea to go for the monochrome look, as its quite a flat photo on colour;  what would I do different? other than making it a little darker perhaps, other than that a great photo.
Thanks Mark, I appreciate your thoughts.