DSLR Photography Forum

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Hi, not sure if I have done this already, as I have been absent from the site for a while, so here goes, my first camera was a Zenith 11, which was followed by a Canon T50, which I used in anger, and collected a massive amount of slides and contact sheets; working life changed and I have just recently picked a camera up again; I always wanted a Nikon F1 but could not afford it back in the 80's, so I decided to go for a Nikon DSLR, I picked a D5300 up to get to grips with the new tech, and quickly added a D750 with an assortment of lens to my collection, I do not limit myself in  genre, I just enjoy being behind the lens, a small % of my work is on Flickr, so please feel free to look me up.

Hi Mark,

I see you have an interest in boats and the sea, some nice shots.

I enjoy doing action shots myself.

Best regards and welcome

Not so much, it was just a picture from my holidays, although, looking at my other pictures there are a lot of boats so you might me right [Image: blush.gif]
Hello and welcome to the photography forums! Nice to have you on board with us! Smile
Hello and welcome to the forum!
Hi and welcome to the forum. I am also new here.
Hope we both will enjoy Smile
(Jun 1, 2018, 23:44)raysosher Wrote: [ -> ]Hi and welcome to the forum. I am also new here.
Hope we both will enjoy Smile

Hello and welcome to the photography forums! Nice to have you here with us!