Newbie here. I'm glad to have found this great online digital photography community. I'm hoping to learn more from the other members here. Cheers!

Hi Timmy.
Great to have you on the forums. Settle in and most of all enjoy yourself. Throw any questions ( however basic they may be ) this way and someone on here will be happy to help.
Hello and welcome to the photography forums! Nice to have you join us!
A warm welcome Timmy, a lot of help here. Ed.
Thank you very much, everyone! Thank you all for the warm welcome!
And a belated Welcome to ShutterTalk from me!
You are most welcome, I'm new too. I look forward to seeing you in the posts.
(Jan 17, 2018, 02:39)roslif Wrote: [ -> ]You are most welcome, I'm new too. I look forward to seeing you in the posts.
Same here, roslif. Cheers!