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Full Version: Lookint to the east at sunset
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First photo  D-7200 18mm f5.6 1/250 iso200
second photo is a 3 shot pano taken in landscape mode D-7200 18mm f5.6 1/250 iso200

I was hooping for a good sunset as in the early after noon the clouds was pretty good looking however by sunset time they had dissipated completely however looking to the east was pretty good so I could not resist to photograph it
Spectacular shot! Bravo!
(Feb 23, 2018, 04:57)GrahamS Wrote: [ -> ]Spectacular shot!  Bravo!

Thanks for the reply
very well captured. Ed.
(Feb 23, 2018, 10:25)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]very well captured.  Ed.

Thanks for the reply
(Feb 22, 2018, 14:13)jjford43 Wrote: [ -> ]First photo  D-7200 18mm f5.6 1/250 iso200
second photo is a 3 shot pano taken in landscape mode D-7200 18mm f5.6 1/250 iso200

I was hooping for a good sunset as in the early after noon the clouds was pretty good looking however by sunset time they had dissipated completely however looking to the east was pretty good so I could not resist to photograph it
Interesting shot, but I hope the sun  is not getting into the habit of setting in the east. . . . . (just kidding)
(Mar 31, 2018, 19:43)pixelmaker Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 22, 2018, 14:13)jjford43 Wrote: [ -> ]First photo  D-7200 18mm f5.6 1/250 iso200
second photo is a 3 shot pano taken in landscape mode D-7200 18mm f5.6 1/250 iso200

I was hooping for a good sunset as in the early after noon the clouds was pretty good looking however by sunset time they had dissipated completely however looking to the east was pretty good so I could not resist to photograph it
Interesting shot, but I hope the sun  is not getting into the habit of setting in the east. . . . . (just kidding)
Thanks for your coments