... I'm going to install soft boxes for my house lighting and whenever everyone comes to visit they will say "wow doesn't he look good for his age"
Are you going to require them to wear "softar" eyeglasses too?

slejhamer Wrote:Are you going to require them to wear "softar" eyeglasses too?

Ya, you'll have to hand out soft-focus glasses at the door.

Nah, I'll just photoshop the memory of my guests instead...

I'll make them wear soft focus glasses

Or spray some sort of soft focus mist in the air, or a medicine which makes their eyes soft focus!
Speaking of tangents.. I have a pair of Polaroid sunglasses and I love wearing them as its like wearing a built in polariser.. just with a green filter as well!
i think with all the smoke you wont need anything.
Speaking of polaroid sunglasses, I enjoy walking around looking at the sky while tilting my head side to side watching the sky change colours
And looking through tinted rivers seeing patches or purple and green!
Thats freaky Adam, I do the same thing, its even more fun driving while you have tinted windows you can make all kinds of patterns. Who needs drugs when you have shades!

So when I see a photographer who keeps tilting his head with sunglasses on, it's your secret signal to indicate that you are StudioJ

hey yeah, i see patterns on my car windscreen too, when wearing my polarised sunnies.