Just something to go along with Adam's topic... what camera features would be the most important to you? What would cause you to buy one over another?
ISO/noise, lens compatibility, flash/accessories, metering, continuous shooting, build quality, size, image quality, megapixels, etc...
I don't actually have the features I want. I like to take quick grab shots so I need a fast acting camera. My digital takes a long time to prepare itslef for a shot so I miss a lot of opportunities. I want at least 5 or 6 megapixels of resolution enabling me to make better crops. I use a wide angle lens and crop in important images.
Maybe I should work differently, but that's how I have learned to work.
Canon's already very good for low noise. Great selection of lenses. So if I did upgrade within the Canon system, it would be for better flash metering.
One feature I'd like is faster startup time.
This is one thing missing on my 300D

YEah .. the 300D starts up way too slow..
Flash exposure compensation would be good ..
but supposedly the hack lets you do that..
I like low noise, build quality, and lens range.
TBH, I would be happy with a good sensor, good build and good lenses, and no gadgets. A totally manual DSLR, like the old days. (When I was a pup, and kids had respect for their parents, and the local Bobby would slap you for scrumpin'andthe day wasspentwatchingthesteamtrainsandplayingwithhoopsbeforethelamplightercameroundanditwastimeforteaandabathinfrontofthefire,an',an',an'...... (Ad nauseum).