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Full Version: Poor Kitty
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I saw this guys avatar while stumbling and almost spewed pop all over my keyboard. Big Grin
[Image: 70_not-impressed.jpg]
Come on! How cute can you get?

ROFL...... Looks like I wouldn't want to be the one removing that!
Lol... how cute!

That must be one angry kitty!

Quote:Kitty thinking:

Grrr... that human thinks he's so clever
Just wait till he tries to remove it from my head
My claws will make short work of him...
Heh heh...
haha .. i think ive see nthat online before .. they do all sorts of stange things with kitties ..
I don't remember the URL but I came cross a site that was full of Scanned cats.... they take there kitty, stick it in a scanner and scan the boor thing.