DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Post a pic of yourself
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Pages: 1 2
StudioJ Wrote:OMG! Someone stole your hair!!!!!

This way I am out of the house 8 minutes quicker Smile

That said, I don't get a discount even though the hairdresser only has to go around the back and sides Tongue
Lets keep this one going. Post up people.
[Image: 68_hentai_beachgirl1.gif]me
Big Grin

I might have seen you in one of these japanese movies... Are you an actress? Big Grin
here's my mug...
[Image: self.JPG]
it's the reason why i prefer to be on the otherside of the camera.
This is the closest thing I can actually find that looks like me, Yes I am thin with big hair and eyes and sparkly things. I know this may sound slightly up myself but I used to model a bit untill I realised that I felt slightly mindless so I got on the other side, Alot more fun and better if you don't have the confidence to cut it in front of the camera! Tongue
It takes a brave person to model infront of a camera Wink
I know now, You have to be pretty brave behind too!
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