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Full Version: Post a pic of yourself
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[Image: jt.jpg]
You're one serious looking dood man. Nice looking pork chops there Jerry. Big Grin
I have to think about a photo of myself. I've done it already. Ahh, gimme a chance and I'll find one where I don't look so old and ugly. Wink
Ok. Here we go. Brittany will steal the show in this photo. Smile

[Image: Me-and-my-dog.jpg]
lol... who doesn't love a couple of kickin' chicken legs (thats what I call the side burns... lol) I actually JUST shaved them off.

That pic was taken on our trip down the oregon coast. I took pictures of everything... and my fiance took pictures of me, taking pictures of everything. That was the way she described our trip Big Grin

Come on foks... post up!
Jerry what do you have in your ears--they can't be pencils can they?

Don Schaeffer Wrote:Jerry what do you have in your ears--they can't be pencils can they?


Sunglasses Don. That's the way us young'ins wear them now. Big Grin
This is me a few years ago

[Image: groceryownerMESM.jpg]
Here's Half of me......

[Image: 54_me%20%20-%20002.jpg]
Me, also a few years ago, when Lucky was still a baby...

[Image: P8234611-cr.jpg]
here's me
[Image: 89_shout.jpg]
here's one I took of myself the other night
Using Peter's tripod
[Image: scarey%20self.jpg]
im sure you can find photos of me and adam all over the forums ...
but heres one none the less ..

[Image: peter1.jpg]
Wow, Don, I love the self portrait!

This is me, with Mr Gadget's gear. Smile Mmmmmmmm.... 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Big Grin

[Image: DSCF2844.jpg]
i think you stole my lens ! haha

its funny when you think about it..
RRP the lens cost more than the camera...
Hahah, and I think I wouldn't be wrong in saying that the camera is mounted on the lens, and not the other way round.
That's what I'll look like Wink
It's neat to see pictures of you guys.

[Image: IMG_2649e1.jpg]
Keep posting those pictures folks!

Rob, Rufus, Mitch, Irma. Christian..... et al...
Huh? My picture is everywhere!!! Big Grin
uuhmmm my pix?

have to search for one

[Image: 12_eyes.jpg]

This was taken at Yosemite National park last Sunday, it was a balmy 34 F... the locals thought I was insane wandering around in just a sweater Big Grin

[Image: 5_Craig%2004.jpg]
OMG! Someone stole your hair!!!!!
As for me, it is not exactly a sweater weather. Smile Just to see you made me cold...
StudioJ Wrote:OMG! Someone stole your hair!!!!!

I stole StudioJ's hair Wink
I guess Peter took bobs Big Grin
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