May 10, 2005, 05:58
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May 12, 2005, 05:30
I don't get it
May 12, 2005, 07:16
Make sure you read the previous posts too...
May 13, 2005, 09:32
Thanks for your prayers. Pastor Johnny was released form the hospital at 12:00 am Thursday morning. The doctors ran every test that they could and could find no trace of the viruses that were infecting him. God is truly amazing. It is truly a miracle for this to simply go away. To only be in the hospitle for three days after being diagnosed with encephalitis and meningitis and being in ICU, and for it to be totally Gone is a true testament to how awesome or God is.
May 13, 2005, 20:31

May 26, 2005, 04:14
Can you all please say a little prayer for my mother, I spoke to Dad this afternoon and Mum has been diagnosed with breast cancer. They will know more next week.
Thanks all.
Thanks all.
May 26, 2005, 04:47
Yes Pete, she will be in my thoughts and prayers.
May 26, 2005, 05:35
Thanks Irma.
May 26, 2005, 17:34
That's sad to hear, Pete... hope your family is coping with the news...
May 27, 2005, 00:17
Thanks mate. Dad is of course a bit worried but Mum is really great, normally the older the onset the slower growing it is and the better chance of getting through it, Mum is 74 so that is in her favour. I just wish I could be there now to give her a big hug. My Grandmother on Dads side had the same thing when she was 88 and then lived til she was 102 years old.
May 30, 2005, 15:20
Posted new Master list. Sorry it has been a while. ST you did get that new house right. Sorry it has been a while. Been kind of busy.
Peted I will pray for your mom.
on a bright note my nephew has gained 13 lb in the last month. That is big. the doctors put him on some kind of stairoid for a time to help is inared heal up. My brother sent some pics of him. He has gone from being too skinny to having some waight on him. God BE GOOD!
Peted I will pray for your mom.
on a bright note my nephew has gained 13 lb in the last month. That is big. the doctors put him on some kind of stairoid for a time to help is inared heal up. My brother sent some pics of him. He has gone from being too skinny to having some waight on him. God BE GOOD!
May 31, 2005, 22:23
Thanks teddy. Yes, we got the house! 
Gosh, moving can be a pain though! All the cleaning and unpacking!

Gosh, moving can be a pain though! All the cleaning and unpacking!

Jun 22, 2005, 22:44
We have some issues..............
NN's step father may have cancer again. He's in hospital. His name is George.
My friend Phil's father has had two heart attacks, his kidneys are failing, he's on the way out. His name is Ignatious. (I dont know if that's how you spell it).
My friend "Zig" is troubled badly in his church. He's fighting bad teachings and practise, and he's recieving HATE mail. (Can you believe it!!!!!).
NN's step father may have cancer again. He's in hospital. His name is George.
My friend Phil's father has had two heart attacks, his kidneys are failing, he's on the way out. His name is Ignatious. (I dont know if that's how you spell it).
My friend "Zig" is troubled badly in his church. He's fighting bad teachings and practise, and he's recieving HATE mail. (Can you believe it!!!!!).
Jun 23, 2005, 01:58
I am so sorry to hear about all this....
NN, I hope everything is fine with George.... Let's hope it is not cancer.
My prayers for your friend Zig and Phil's father, (If his name is Spanish, it is Ignacio).
NN, I hope everything is fine with George.... Let's hope it is not cancer.
My prayers for your friend Zig and Phil's father, (If his name is Spanish, it is Ignacio).
Jun 24, 2005, 15:07
He's gone.
Ignatious Parker, 8pm (UK) 24 June 05.
Ignatious Parker, 8pm (UK) 24 June 05.
Jan 23, 2006, 21:13
really no offense here, but is the underlying conception of prayer that it works by quantity (the more=the more effective?)
If so, I don't tend to agree.
and if not so, I would a) kind of subscribe to a point Rufus made a while ago about prayers being a somewhat privat issue,
and b) ask myself: what is the purpose of this forum?
Are the things people list in here something we would usually go out and talk about to random people on the street? people whose faces we can't see? who we have never talked to before?
Or are they better treated in a more privat environment, where we know our friends know the people concerned and appreciate the full importance of what we are asking for prayer for?
I am thinking how to reconcile the want to pray for your loved ones or near friends with the respect for privacy, and one way I can think of is to request for prayer in a more general way.
So e. g. I think everyone would be happy to join into a prayer for, or. for that matter, an agnostic / atheist general thought to, say all cancer patents.
Probably most people are going to know someone in their closer or broader circle of friends, and that way, many people will pray for many different people.
coming back to what I said about prayer and quantity, I think this would be a wonderful way.
Of course you could just tell me to stay out of this forum if it bugs me (which is doesn't), but I kind of think of Shuttertalk as equivalent to a train station or an airport, where countless strangers just pop in as pass by every moment. Would you be wanting to reveal your personal prayer-needing issues at an airport?
Like I said, please don't feel offended, this post reflects my personal feelings about this forum.
really no offense here, but is the underlying conception of prayer that it works by quantity (the more=the more effective?)
If so, I don't tend to agree.
and if not so, I would a) kind of subscribe to a point Rufus made a while ago about prayers being a somewhat privat issue,
and b) ask myself: what is the purpose of this forum?
Are the things people list in here something we would usually go out and talk about to random people on the street? people whose faces we can't see? who we have never talked to before?
Or are they better treated in a more privat environment, where we know our friends know the people concerned and appreciate the full importance of what we are asking for prayer for?
I am thinking how to reconcile the want to pray for your loved ones or near friends with the respect for privacy, and one way I can think of is to request for prayer in a more general way.
So e. g. I think everyone would be happy to join into a prayer for, or. for that matter, an agnostic / atheist general thought to, say all cancer patents.
Probably most people are going to know someone in their closer or broader circle of friends, and that way, many people will pray for many different people.
coming back to what I said about prayer and quantity, I think this would be a wonderful way.
Of course you could just tell me to stay out of this forum if it bugs me (which is doesn't), but I kind of think of Shuttertalk as equivalent to a train station or an airport, where countless strangers just pop in as pass by every moment. Would you be wanting to reveal your personal prayer-needing issues at an airport?
Like I said, please don't feel offended, this post reflects my personal feelings about this forum.
Jan 24, 2006, 19:20
wulinka Wrote:I kind of think of Shuttertalk as equivalent to a train station or an airport, where countless strangers just pop in as pass by every moment.I see Shuttertalk more as an equivalent of a living room (lots of pictures on the wall too), where friends pop in and have a talk. I'm not a Christian, but if one day I feel I need prayers, this would be the place I'd ask for them.
Jan 24, 2006, 23:01
What a great idea.
Jan 25, 2006, 21:03
I like that analogy.....
Mar 13, 2006, 07:10
Hi Guys,
Long time since i logged in. I logged in because i was searching for a post i made on intercessory prayer a long time ago which i wanted to share with a friend. After finding my post, i reviewed the post in my favorite "Christians Unite" forum just to post something and say hi. I found this thread containing the latest post.
When we flash prayer petitions during the prayer of the faithful part of the mass, i never bothered to read the names of the people asking for intercessory prayer. However, when my father got operated (quadruple bypass, valve repair, carotid
artery repair, weak kidney) last december, praying for specific persons (known or unknown) had more meaning to me.
I find it helpful to sympathize/empathize with a cancer patients if i know a specific person who suffers the same. In my moments of silence, i start praying for specific persons and then for other people in the same situation as well - from a specific case to the general.
I pray that more people will post in the "Christians Unite" forum, not only about prayer petitions but also about how blessed they are by God.
God bless you all !!
BTW, my dad had a successful operation. He is now recuperating. He was again confined last saturday because of a suspected internal bleeding. This afternoon, endoscopy results showed that there WAS NO internal bleeding and the low hemoglobin count might be a side effect of his medication. How wonderful and powerful our GOD really is !!!
We face trials believing that "in everything God works for good with those who love Him" (Rom 8:28). "We are afflicted in every way but never crushed." (Cor 4:8)
Long time since i logged in. I logged in because i was searching for a post i made on intercessory prayer a long time ago which i wanted to share with a friend. After finding my post, i reviewed the post in my favorite "Christians Unite" forum just to post something and say hi. I found this thread containing the latest post.
When we flash prayer petitions during the prayer of the faithful part of the mass, i never bothered to read the names of the people asking for intercessory prayer. However, when my father got operated (quadruple bypass, valve repair, carotid
artery repair, weak kidney) last december, praying for specific persons (known or unknown) had more meaning to me.
I find it helpful to sympathize/empathize with a cancer patients if i know a specific person who suffers the same. In my moments of silence, i start praying for specific persons and then for other people in the same situation as well - from a specific case to the general.
I pray that more people will post in the "Christians Unite" forum, not only about prayer petitions but also about how blessed they are by God.
God bless you all !!
BTW, my dad had a successful operation. He is now recuperating. He was again confined last saturday because of a suspected internal bleeding. This afternoon, endoscopy results showed that there WAS NO internal bleeding and the low hemoglobin count might be a side effect of his medication. How wonderful and powerful our GOD really is !!!
We face trials believing that "in everything God works for good with those who love Him" (Rom 8:28). "We are afflicted in every way but never crushed." (Cor 4:8)
Mar 13, 2006, 10:22
A very interesting thread indeed. If a lot of people say just one prayer for everyone mentioned in the thread, then it cannot do anyone any harm at the worst and possibly a heck of a lot of good/goodwill at the best.
I have a lady e-mail friend (only met her twice). She has had cerebral palsy from birth, can't do much with her hands or feet, and needs a carer full time for the personal jobs we take for granted.
I am sure she would appreciate a prayer.
Thank you all.
I have a lady e-mail friend (only met her twice). She has had cerebral palsy from birth, can't do much with her hands or feet, and needs a carer full time for the personal jobs we take for granted.
I am sure she would appreciate a prayer.
Thank you all.
Mar 13, 2006, 16:15
Wow, awesome testimony, samuel... and it's true - it really starts to hit home with it's someone you know...
NT73 - will do...
NT73 - will do...

Mar 13, 2006, 22:47
Will pray for her NT73.
Mar 14, 2006, 07:49
She will be in my prayers NT73....
Mar 14, 2006, 07:59
Thanks shuttertalk, thanks Irma thanks, Wedding Shooter.
She uses a stick in her mouth to operate the computer. Must make it difficult to pop in a choccy.
She uses a stick in her mouth to operate the computer. Must make it difficult to pop in a choccy.

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