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Full Version: Formation Flight
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2 Heavy Bombers and their fighter escort coming in on a run Tongue

[Image: normal_formation%20flight.jpg]
Very cool photo Bob. Great capture. Smile
Big Grin Great Shot!
The picture is beautiful! Very nice birds Bob! Do you happen to have a picture of the birds a little closer? If so could you post it please?
Awesome! Captured in the right moment!
The right moment by shooting 60+ shots in under 10 minutes Tongue

And for Irma:-


[Image: pelican%2003.jpg]


[Image: gull.jpg]
Wow! Thanks Bob. Your pictures are genial! I can count the feathers in the tip of the win. The pelican is wonderful! The gull is lovely, with the winds totally extended. Beautiful!!

Very kind from you Bob, thanks. Smile

I really really like the first one, as is like the formation of areoplanes or gliders.

Nice stuff

Thanks for sharing

Nice capture of the formation--lined up nearly perfectly.
