This is a very common landscape, it has a problem with the tree in the foreground but what I am working here is a different way to present the landscape.
Thanks a lot for your comments.
Interesting technique... is the vignetting (dark corners) intentional? If so, perhaps it should be more uniformly applied to the bottom as well?
The tree does pose a problem. Could it not be avoided? If you really wanted you could take the time to clone it out but is the photo Worth the work to you? I have no idea what the original size of the image is but cropping where I've shown might also be an option. I lightened the image a bit but not too much. I wanted to keep the sense of a rising morning sun that is evident on the houses.
Petographer; you gave me a great idea with this picture. Unfortunately this is already a crop, and my file is 3mp. I don't think I could get something nice if I crop this part only with the image I have, but I would concentrate my shot in this part next time. I might ask my neighbour to take the picture from his land. I will get closer.
ST yes, this is the idea but what I have seen in some pictures is that they work the vignette just in the sky and leave the highlight as they are. I think sometimes it works when you have a very pale backgound or probably to enhance the detail. Does it look weird? maybe if I work the vignette a little paler?
Thanks a lot for your comments/avice
I forget what you call it, (I'm sure Mitch knows the term) but you can see the gradual lines from the vignetting. I remember a discussion a long time ago, maybe on another forum, on this issue.
It isn't as visible on your version but on mine it shows.
Thanks Petographer, I will look for the topic. Probably mine is not well done because I did it with gradiente. I have read some tutorials and it is done with mask and blurred. I will read about it tomorrow.
There is a girl in a foto sharing I visit that she is doing beautiful things with it. It is very discreet, she even move the light of the vignetting to the place the subject is, she has beautyful pictures. I just wanted to give a try. I was thinking that I have to observe well, and discriminate, to figure out when she is using this effect probably, it is not suitable for every picture, and this is the case of this landscape. However, I will give a try to the crop you did. I really loved this view in the mornings from my garden