DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Business vs Art
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I got this email advertising a photography / business seminar... just wondering what people think regarding the points they make?

Quote:The McDonalds phenomenon…
Hamburgers and Photographers? What business is McDonalds in? ·

McDonalds is run by business people
Business people who have not lost their identity
People who have not fallen in love with what doesn’t matter

It’s often said that it’s hard to get rich in the Arts/Creative fields, because arts and business don’t mix. You have to become objective You must find a balance between creativity and business.

Does McDonalds make the best hamburgers you have ever tasted?

“If you want the true rewards that every business owner deserves, you must see yourself as an entrepreneur who has chosen photography as their vehicle to wealth. You must make time to work ON your business and get out from behind your camera and your computer.