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Full Version: Photography Assignment #4: Blue
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This is a beautiful monn, NN. Love the blue sky.
One more from a trip to the coast last Thursday.

[Image: blue%2002.jpg]
Nice one, Craig! Big Grin
Here is one of two entries...I could not decide

[Image: Flower%20entry.jpg]

Here is the second entry...


[Image: Flower%20entry%202.jpg]
Wow lovely entries, Nathan!

I like the symmetry of #1, and the detail of #2. Well done! Big Grin
NJS, wow!!

Now my effort looks a bit sad. Sad

[Image: post2.jpg]

[Image: post3.jpg]
If you don't mind Rufus I have done a touchup of one of your photos.........Just learnt about gradient fill layers in photoshop and thought your shot was an ideal candidate to try it out on.........I kinda like the darker sky, gives a more surreal look to the photo...

Cheers Nathan

[Image: 58_post3.jpg]
Mind? Why would I mind?? :|

Say, what is your address? I want to send you, quite free, a Rufus-ticking-suprise parcel! Big Grin

[Image: PUDDING%20BOMB.jpg]
Hey Rufus, I really like the shots you posted. Very clean, magical and surreal - almost reminiscent of the windowsxp desktop! Big Grin

Nathan - I like your treatment too - goes very well with the topic. Big Grin
Thanks man.

How dya like the RP bomb???
Not bad.... for an amateur.
Can you explain the gradient fill a bit more njs. I'd like to experiment with this.

The new additions from Bob, Rufus and njs to the assignment are very nice. I like very much Rufus' picture with the bench and the cross. I think it is a very interesting subject, and he captured nicely. Smile
Gradient fill is a way to darken skies to deeper blues (acts like a cic\rcular polariser) so they look more dramatic and not washed out.

In Photoshop under the Layers menu is option called New Fill Layer. Select Gradient.

This makes a gradient fill layer from the original image. You will need to reverse it (click this option) as mostly used on landscapes.

Then in layer blending options (right click on layer) change the belnding style to color burn. Or try others for different effects. You will have to adjust the opacity of the layer and the scale of the fill to suit your taste.

Have try on any landscape photo that shows a lot of sky....

[Image: File0151.jpg]
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