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Full Version: Changing EXIF data in PS
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A simple question - is there some way in Photoshop 7 to edit the EXIF data on photos? (or failing that, just zeroing it out)? A way of doing this in a batch job would be even better, and one which was very fast would be ... just stop me if I'm starting to ask too much Smile

A simple answer: no. And yes. Wink

If you "save for web" it will strip the EXIF. Of course, this only works for images you want to save for the web.

For other files, you can try Exifer which will allow you to batch-edit your images:

Hope that helps.

And welcome to ST!
Thanks for the info and the welcome.

I didn't know about the operation of 'save for web' and I'll give Exifer a shot (for the price of a postcard it looks like a bargain).