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I have always wondered which order to do things in for photoshop? Should you crop, sharpen, adjust levels/curves, and all that in a certain order? Or does it not matter?
I size, crop, adjust levels, saturation etc, the last thing I ever do is sharpen.

Welcome to Shuttertalk Big Grin
Generally sharpening should be saved for last. Sometimes color edits (white balance adjustments, for example) can clip a color channel, so you may prefer doing those before editing levels/curves.
Also I beleive it best to crop first!
Thanks for your comments about this because I have some doubts about this topic as well....

When I sharp my image somethimes it gets a bit noise. So now what I do is to sharp first in more or less radio 4 strengh 50 and then go to noise removal. Then come again and sharp again but less strengh... Do you think this is ok? or it would be better if I started removing the noise from the beginning and then sharp once..

One of my B&W process is to saturate the image to brighten a bit the colors, save and the desaturate completely, Then the colorizing if I want to... after that if it is needed contras and brightness, as the last step. Do you think it is ok?
