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Anyone heard of the new ipod minis? Can you believe - in Australia they've shaved a whole hundred bucks off the RRP for iPod minis. The old ones used to cost $399, now the new versions (with longer battery life) start at $299! And the old models are going out the door at $249. Smile

My wife has got a 1st gen mini and uses it every day commuting to work. I use it occasionally to bash away at the drums and guitar Smile
Ipods rule!

My wife has a mini. It's quite nice!

I wouldn't have much use for the new super-small ones. In the US they are called the Ipod Shuffle, I believe.

But the Ipod Photo is looking interesting!
I own and iPod, infact I woned two, First I had the iPod Shuffle, then came along my super cheap iPod 20GB 3rd Generation, then I sold my iPod Shuffle as I had no use for it anylonger and I actually like something I can feel so I can check it is in my pocket, the suffle is soo small and light, very great for anyone who wants to have an iPod while training etc...
My wife wanted a good MP3 player for an anniversary gift, so I took her to BestBuy and Future Shop and we gave everthing a good look... she ended up going with the 6GB iPod Mini; everything else in the same range of features and storage was AT LEAST as expensive, and none looked as clean or felt as solid as the iPod. The iPod's interface is really a thing of beauty, and the controls just SO convenient and simple, compared to other players that use cheap-feeling buttons positioned all over the place...
I should take the plunge someday and buy an Ipod... at the moment I am using my IPAQ.
I've got an ipaq too - and for some reason, the thing is really unwieldy to play music on. Something nice about a dedicated interface and player which makes the separate investment worthwhile. That, and also being able to store your whole cd collection on one device. Big Grin
I don't think I could ger mt CD collection on an Ipod..... 3000+ CD's make for a lot of MP3's.
I too will take the plunge on an ipod but I can't justify the expense yet. One day.
EnglishBob Wrote:I don't think I could ger mt CD collection on an Ipod..... 3000+ CD's make for a lot of MP3's.

Well, if you figure your average CD translates to around 80MB in MP3 form at a decent quality (around 160kbps), you could fit about a qaurter of them (750 or so) on a 60GB iPod Photo.
I have the 40GB Ipod photo. I currently have about 1500 songs on it using a fraction of the total storage capbility. It is really nice to just put it on shuffle and hear new and unexpected songs from your collection - really makes me listen again to stuff that I haven't heard in a while.

The thing also stores photos and can do slide shows. I have stored photos on it but not the slide show bit - no need at this time but I can see that as a impressive way to demo shots for clients - come in to their place - plug into their TV and show them your stuff.

What I really like is that I purchased a 3rd party auto stereo integration package for the iPod. It has an active cradle mounted on the dash - drop the ipod in and it connects directly through to the stereo system with no FM transmitter - uses the CD changer port. The song title and artist text scroll across the face of the radio as well. It even charges in the cradle. I can even use the volume and track selection controls that exist on my steering wheel for the iPod. Now that's pretty slick.
Toad Wrote:What I really like is that I purchased a 3rd party auto stereo integration package for the iPod. It has an active cradle mounted on the dash - drop the ipod in and it connects directly through to the stereo system with no FM transmitter - uses the CD changer port. The song title and artist text scroll across the face of the radio as well. It even charges in the cradle. I can even use the volume and track selection controls that exist on my steering wheel for the iPod. Now that's pretty slick.

Now that's really slick indeed! What's the name of the package you got?

I got a Belkin Tunecast FM transmitter, but after a while I got sick of connecting and disconnecting cables and fiddling with settings....
IceLink Plus by Dension.

Here's the link:


There are several packages out here like this - IceLink is the most developed and full function I think (from my research). The least good one is the one that BMW sells (goes in the glove box - only get to choose from 5 playlists)
Toad Wrote:I have the 40GB Ipod photo. I currently have about 1500 songs on it using a fraction of the total storage capbility. It is really nice to just put it on shuffle and hear new and unexpected songs from your collection - really makes me listen again to stuff that I haven't heard in a while.

The thing also stores photos and can do slide shows. I have stored photos on it but not the slide show bit - no need at this time but I can see that as a impressive way to demo shots for clients - come in to their place - plug into their TV and show them your stuff.

What I really like is that I purchased a 3rd party auto stereo integration package for the iPod. It has an active cradle mounted on the dash - drop the ipod in and it connects directly through to the stereo system with no FM transmitter - uses the CD changer port. The song title and artist text scroll across the face of the radio as well. It even charges in the cradle. I can even use the volume and track selection controls that exist on my steering wheel for the iPod. Now that's pretty slick.

That's super cooooooool!
Cool but sounds expensive. What a quandary, music or camera gear???

Must............ buy.................. new......................... equipment....................................


Bought my wife a MuVo TX 256Mb for her birthday last weekend great piece of gear, only AU$129, or for those across the seas, around US$95-100. Thinking of getting one for myself as they have a voice record mode, great for annotating as you shoot, on the 256Mb you can record 16 hours of voice (may have been 16hours on the 512Mb).

I have a bit of an investment in minidisk but with the cheapness of all these new playing devices I think I might indulge myslef.