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Hi everyone

Just one question did you email the friends from camerafarm? I wonder how much can they get it down to? why they dont support us now? I hope this sponser thinny was one off? Or are we here just to test their website?

I have said enought....I go before doggy gets me..ruf ruf...joke. take care.


Too late Mr B.

I already have your number................................


Roll over!

Smile for the camera!
[Image: 35_tnbomb%20PLUS.jpg]
Hey everyone, rest assured - I'm in conversation with Camera Farm - and they were very happy with the competition results.

The one we did was a once off trial, sort of, and they are currently doing an analysis on how much traffic and exposure we generated for them. Ovbiously, they have a business to run and they need to balance the cost of the giveaways vs the benefits they get in return.

We're currently discussing ideas for further sponsorship, activities, etc. Hopefully we can come up with something more exciting and perhaps running for a longer duration so more people have a chance to participate. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, let me know.

p.s. Not sure what you meant by "I wonder how much can they get it down to"

The camera that Adrian got, at what price what we get it from them? the price? cash? the loot? aus dollars?

Why should we buy from them if we can get it cheaper from somewhere else?

Take care

Byrt. I'm the one with the attitude here. Back off.
Oh right. I totally misunderstood you.

No, I didn't check with Camera Farm regarding the price of the 350D. Adrian (Kombisaurus) bought the camera from centre.net.au out of his own free will at a price which he thought was best. Big Grin

I suppose if a few of us wanted a 350D, I try to could organise a group buying discount or something like that...

Anyone interested?
Hey guys,

Thanks for your concern Byrt, and I *did* have a bit of a look around the camerafarm website when I was shopping for my 350D.. but they didn't list it as a product there, so I kept looking elsewhere. In fact, from memory I think the 20D was the only Canon DSLR they listed?

I assumed that their sponsorship of the photography competition was simply a one-off thing, and I had no reason to expect them to treat me differently to any other customer, or that I should treat them any differently to any other online camera shop. They simply sponsored a competition to give themselves a bit of exposure (pardon the pun), and I hope they got their money's worth of advertising while the competition was running. If they did, then hopefully they will sponsor more competitions.
Certainly I would say the only reason I even went looking for the 350D at their website is because of the exposure they received at shuttertalk, so in that sense their marketing was effective. But they won't successfully sell cameras to people online if they don't list them on their website. Wink

If they develop a closer relationship with shuttertalk and can offer member discounts or amazing customer service, etc, then of course I will consider them closely when shopping for lenses and accessories in the future, but I really had no reason to give them special consideration in this case.
