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Was taken in the showroom of my Honda Dealership.

[Image: normal_peace%20lilly.jpg]
Pretty. Is that near a window?
It's acually surrounded on 3 sides by 20 feet high windows.... however the sun only reaches it for 10 minutes a day as it is setting. I took this in that 10 minutes.
There are two things that I would consider in your picture Bob. The color of the flower, I find it too warm, a little whiter would look better. The other one is the shadow of the pistil, it is a bit dark. I like very much how the flower crosses the picture. The black background is nice, but in my PSP I can see a bright halo in the right up corner, not as appreciable as in PS. Is it intended this way?
I love the composition of the picture. I agree with Irma in that the color is too warm. My suspicion is that the white balance didn't work properly, auto setting maybe?
It was setting sun through tinted glass.... for the last 10-15 minutes before sunset each day the entire showroom is orangish in tint.

Ignored whitebalance alltogether as I was supposed to be working. Haven't had tiome to play with it yet.
I really like the shadow...
I played with it a little and came up with this:

[Image: EnglishBobPeaceLilly.jpg]
Very nice Smile Much better. Hopefully I can work on it this week-end.