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Full Version: Photography Assignment #6: Speed
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Hope you all had fun with the last photo competition. Until the next one comes along, here's an assigment for you all to work on. Have fun!

Speed (or maybe lack of)

Photography is a slice in time - meaning that the difference between speed and slowness can sometimes be difficult to convey. Often, racing cars and bikes can seem stationary, like they are just parked there. Let's see what we can do with this topic.

Upload your photos to the gallery here, but also post a small copy in this thread so we can all comment on them. Big Grin
We went to visit some friends yesterday. We stopped on the way to take pictures of the sunset. As I was close to the road I tried to get a picture for this assignment. Hope you like it Smile

Here is the link to the gallery.

Just added two from my archive to the gallery as I think they fit with the title. Both these fairground rides are full of people spinning at speed while the onlookers seem to be completely motionless. I'll try and get something new for this assignment while it's running!

Here are the thumbnails:
[Image: mop1A.jpg]

[Image: mop2A.jpg]

This "speed" assignment is an old one I know... but I just had to submit this photo for obvious reasons.

[Image: IMG_3654.jpg]
Great shot and conversion Adrian. Your timing was perfect.Smile
Kombisaurus Wrote:This "speed" assignment is an old one I know... but I just had to submit this photo for obvious reasons.

I consistantly find your sports shots inspirational. Keep em coming.