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Full Version: Photo Assignment #7: Trees and #8: Cups
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Rufus as put forward a suggestion for the next assignment:

Rufus Wrote:You know how the standard assignment or competition is themed?
Well, I wondered if, as an assignment we might turn this on it's head. The idea is to assign an object and ask for interpretations.
For example:
Object; an egg.
How many ways could a simple egg be shown? 100, 1000?

How about a car, a gate, a tree?

Interesting, I thought, so I picked "trees". Actually, I'm so excited about this concept, I'm going to start two concurrently. The 2nd one will be "cups". Let's see what we can do with these topics!

Upload your photos to the gallery here, and here but also post a small copy in this thread so we can all comment on them. Big Grin


What a stunningly brilliant idea!!! Big Grin
Stranger Wrote:What a stunningly brilliant idea!!! Big Grin

It's ok, Rufus.
Is the point of this assignment to go out and take new photos? Or can we submit photos we took ages ago?

I'm quite happy either way, just that the first option gets us off our butts and forces us to practice, while the second way would probably result in the best images to "inspire" us and show us what elements really make a good tree photo.

So which is it to be? or doesn't it matter?



Why is it you call me Rufus? Surely you cant believe that I'm also a genius, dashing, talented and extremely handsome terrier? :/

No! :o

There can only be one.

He's my hero!!! Big Grin
Ideally it's a NEW image. In fact, if ST agrees, it MUST be a NEW image.

So there. Tongue
Stranger Wrote:Why is it you call me Rufus?

There's no one "stranger" than Rufus.

Big Grin Tongue Big Grin
I really love the idea.... Here is my first image....

[Image: marinapisatree1small.jpg]
Blimey Irma! That was quick :o
slejhamer Wrote:
Stranger Wrote:Why is it you call me Rufus?

There's no one "stranger" than Rufus.

Big Grin Tongue Big Grin

Why, thank you Mr Slej! Big Grin
Kombisaurus Wrote:Is the point of this assignment to go out and take new photos? Or can we submit photos we took ages ago?

Preferably new, or at least recent, as these assignments, like you say, are meant to inspire people to go out and take photos and hopefully look at things in a different light or maybe operate in a way that they're not used to.

But, it's not a competition, so if you do post an oldish one, I'm not going to throw things at you... Big Grin
Beautiful gallery Rufus...
This is from last week, so I hope it qualifies... Smile

[Image: 4_DSC_0045.jpg]
[Image: tree-that-fell-over.jpg]
Or this one, both taken from my front yard.

[Image: sun-tree.jpg]
Wow, Peted.. what happened there? Love the sky on the #2 tree! Big Grin
Had a bit of a storm and the root system was a bit eaten from termites and it also has some dry rot, had a bit of a bad hair day really.

The second one was just a bit lucky, was sitting in the lounge, happened to look out through the front window and noticed that the sky colour was amazing, grabbed the camera and snapped this.
Taken today in my garden at dusk.

[Image: tree2small.jpg]
Very subtle.
Thanks Peted.
Love to see it in a large size.
Cups are such familiar, everyday objects. We see them countless times in a day, at home, at work and even in cafes and restaurants. These precious little objects give us liquid nourishment on which we are dependent on, and probably have been around since the dawn of time.

True, very true... Although I never saw one of those at work... Big Grin

C Cups

[Image: 296_DSC_0005-final.jpg]
Good interpretation! Big Grin *Blush*
After a prolonged period of silence... slogging over multibillion deals... I am back Smile

Here is my contribution... not great... a shot from Bern, Switzerland
[Image: DSC_0242.JPG]

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