DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Tree Assignment: Plum Tree Triptych
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Going minimalistic:

[Image: triptych.jpg]
Gems. Yep. .......... Gems! Smile
simplicity with a touch of elegance! lovely...
Very nice Mitch. I could see this series of images on the wall. Smile
This is very nice indeed. Nice background. The blossoms could pop out a little more, but that's just me, probably. Smile
Beautiful work Mitch. Smile
Very stylish! Did you add the frame?
Yes, frame added in PS.

Guerito - they seem more vibrant in the full size images. In hindsight, I should have used a touch of fill flash - the backlighting made them a bit dim and I had to add +EC to bring up the detail.

Hey Slej,

Stunning! No other word for them. Really.

Images like these motivate me to really keep working on improving my own work. Thanks for sharing. Smile