Some nicknames like "adam" and "Irma" are pretty self explanatory, but the meanings others are not quite as evident.
For example: I've always wondered why Craig is called EnglishBob and everyone thinks his real name is Bob. : D And slejhamer? Toad?
Petographer :/

Mines my old Counter-Strike handle....
Real name: Craig.
When I lived in the UK I played Quake, Counter-strike etc under the alias El'Mariachi , on of my favorite movies.... then I moved to California, and all the Hispanics assumed I was Mexican and started talking Spanish to me, which I don't speak or read.
So I switched to English Bob, a character from another great movie Unforgiven. And as this character was an Englishman living in the West, I figured it was appropriate. My CS website is known as Bob's Bunker.
To really confuse you all, I also receive email and messages addressed to Ash,,,, short for Ashurek, a character from my favorite series of books, and the screen name of a character I have played in another on line game for over 8 years.
I am a long-handled hammer used for driving stakes and smashing rocks.

slejhamer Wrote:I am a long-handled hammer used for driving stakes and smashing rocks.

Yet you type with such precission!

I used to be known as Toad to some friends way back in high school. When I started corresponding in forums, I tried to grab a really cool login name - they seemed to be all taken. I must have tried a 100. Finally in frustration I used this old high school nickname and voila - it took. Now I use this name in every forum that I communicate in to maintain a consistent online presence...
my name "PATrick"
my wife's name "CHris"
and the day we were wed 17th
ergo... patch17
In most forums other than Shuttertalk I have always used the name Conk. Some here still call me that. So I'll explain the origin of that name as Petographer is pretty much self explainitory.
Conk is short for Conklin. When I was a little kid I had long red hair. My Brothers and sister called me Conklin. Conklin shows is an amusement company provided the CNE in Toronto and various fairs with the midway rides. They have a mascot. I guess my brothers thought I looked like this mascot. Today at 39 my brothers and family still call me Conk.
You be the judge.
![[Image: menu_top.gif]](
![[Image: Conk-head.jpg]](
Hahah, the resemblance is uncanny!

I'll let you in on a little secret. Everyone else I use cuteseal... why? Coz when I was younger I used to carry a little baby seal stuffed toy around with me everywhere...

shuttertalk Wrote:I'll let you in on a little secret. Everyone else I use cuteseal... why? Coz when I was younger I used to carry a little baby seal stuffed toy around with me everywhere... 
I wondered about that one.

I'm just posting what everyone else is thinking...
oh... and as for "kombisaurus".. well I drive a kombi and it is a beast (kombi-saurus)... I used to use the nick "toasterboy" or "toastie" on some forums (the kombi resembles a giant toaster), and I used MajorBooger for Battlefield/Desert Combat online, but for some reason those nicks tend to get used a lot (why!?!?) so I had to choose something else.
I've never stumbled across anyone else who uses kombisaurus though - so I think I'll stick with it.
What did I tell ya.

Aside from my cute mug as a kid, isn't that a jokeswagon in your avatar? Whats a kombi?
Man, that's the ORIGINAL far-out cool-aid HIPPY BUS.
Called "URGE"
Now, who wants to know why I'm called "Rufus"???
I'll tell you the truth: I'm not lying:::::::
I'm called Rufus because it's not anything like me.
There you go!!

Everyone calls me Loopy - always have, always will. I'd like to be able to claim its for a cool reason (like being able to tie up certain parts of my anatomy into knots) but I think I'm just screwed up...

My croatian name is Jerko, pronounced Yaerko. My north amercian name is Jerry. The combination, given by friends is Jericho. I like it and am thankful it wasn't something completely off the wall and nuts.
Russell Russ Rusty i like its reference to rust dunno why
my aunty used to call me rufus........but that was taken
kombisaurus........I thought that had to do with its suspension.......all in the way you say it I spose!
Sorry that I am not very original but on the net I have been Peted or similar for the last ten years or so.
I just use my real name. In that way if I get famous, everyone will know who I am.