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Full Version: More Greenville Windows
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[Image: Flag%20Windows.jpg]
I like the comp in this. Where is it?
Nicely done! Very patriotic! Big Grin
I like the composition as well. The folds and shadows in the red stripes of the flag are great! I am missing the same in the white stripes, but probably is just me.
Petographer Wrote:I like the comp in this. Where is it?

Greenville, South Carolina
shuttertalk Wrote:Very patriotic! Big Grin

Not for me - I am a Canandian. Just documenting the scene...
Irma Wrote:The folds and shadows in the red stripes of the flag are great! I am missing the same in the white stripes, but probably is just me.

Nope - not just you. There wasn't much detail in the whites to start with, and the posterization I did to bring out the textures eliminated whatever detail in the white that there was.

What I was most happy with on this one was the composition.

Here is an "uncomposed" version.

[Image: flag%20blgd%20lg.jpg]
As I looked at the uncomposed image I scrolled down the page and liked what I saw. The farther down I looked it wasn't quite the same. But what I did like was a crop off the bottom right where the next rooftop is halfway down leaving just the top part of the building with the flag.
I like the "uncomposed" version too!
shuttertalk Wrote:I like the "uncomposed" version too!

Pffffft. I'm not a journalist - I'm an artist. The uncomposed version is a snapshot. Tastes vary.
Toad Wrote:
shuttertalk Wrote:I like the "uncomposed" version too!

Pffffft. I'm not a journalist - I'm an artist. The uncomposed version is a snapshot. Tastes vary.

Ohhh, hoidy toidy! Tongue
heheh - sometimes I take myself too seriously... :/

Apologies for pompous reply to J's post.