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Full Version: The Final Fence
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[Image: gateSM.jpg]

[Image: gate2SM.jpg]
I appreciate the angle of the first photo. It adds an element of interest to what would normally be just a fence. Its a unique mix of lines, curves and rolling shapes.

The second photo may benefit from being taken from a lot further back to give the "drift off into nothingness" look. But once again, a nice mixture of lines, rolls, rectangles and crosses. A different crop may help to reduce some of the sky. Much too bright.
Thanks Jerry
I like #1 - it feels like complete image - the point of view and esposure are very good, #2 is, I feel, a little too much of "what i see is what you get". I appreciate your artistic sense of capturing the now for posterity, but in #2, there just isn't anything to catch my interest. It may be in 30 years, I will be capitvated by the sense of "now", but at the moment...
Thank you Toad. No one will see these in 30 years. It's now that counts.

Don Schaeffer Wrote:Thank you Toad. No one will see these in 30 years. It's now that counts.


You sell yourself short - perhaps in 30 years, your vision will be considered the vanguard of a new artistic movement and these shots will be very well known.
Perhaps, Toad. The future is a popular girl and puts your requests for dates in a database which she considers later.

By the way, here is an improved version of the photo.

[Image: gate2aSM.jpg]

and here is a related photo.

[Image: springtreeSM.jpg]