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Full Version: The Great Plains of North America
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[Image: 98_greatplainsSM.jpg]

[Image: greatplains2SM.jpg]
The horizon in the first shot is quite skewed to the left, and the prickle bush is not that interesting of a focal point.

The second shot, despite being dead centre has some very interesting post processing. Has that feeling of isolation.
again thanks Jerry
I like #1 - a nice sense of the rushing prairie an envionment that people not familiar with it find static. I am a Prairie boy - it works for me. #2 feels oversharpened and glaring - it may be just my personal tastes but overshapening makes me feel jangly - that works in some photos, I know.
What are your thoughts Don? Do you agree? disagree?
Well Jerry to be honest, I tilted the horizon on purpose to add instability. There are patterns of movement from the wind in the grass. To me it looks very dynamic. I thought the sticker bush was a very interesting foreground.

It is very valuable to hear different viewpoints though and I appreciate your critique.

I don't think thwe second photo is as good as the first but I tried to give it a burnished bronze look.

Perfect! Commentary is refreshing. I went back and looked at it from a different perspective.
Thanks Jerry
PS, Thanks for the comments on my stuff recently. Wink
Your welcome Jerry
I think #1 is a beautiful picture. I like the green and golden colors, and the detail in the grass. I like also the treatment you did in the picture. The bush is interesting to me because of the place it takes in the picture and the post-processing.
If that picture would be mine, I would try to add some canvas texture, to make it look like a painting. I don't know, I don't normally do this to my pictures, but this one has a special mood and I would try that. About the horizon I like it as it is. Lovely picture, Don.
Thanks Irma.
Mine was more re: the comments that I didn't get. Wink Wink Wink

Uh oh...please explain.

Just buggin ya a little. I have posted several times over the past bit and haven't received any comments from you, so I thought I would give you the gears.

Big Grin
Im very egocentric Jerry. It's hard for me. I will try to get to it,

Don Schaeffer Wrote:I tilted the horizon on purpose to add instability.

G'day Don in that case I would go just a few more degrees..Colin
Thanks Colin