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Full Version: Magpies ... Well I think they are magpies
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[Image: maggies_web.jpg]
[Image: magpie_p_web.jpg]

Magpies, not as impressive as pelicans though
Okay they may not be as impressive as pelicans.. but don't you think the song from that mob in black 'n' white is something special...Col
I'm sure one of them looks like Nathan Buckley so they must be magpies. They are looking pretty forlorn which was my other clue Wink
I like your pictures of birdies wayney. We have some very similar here as well, but it is very difficult to take pictures of them because they are so shy...
From my search on Google those are Australian Magpie's. I've seen Magpie's in Alberta Canada and they look a little different. Longer tail feathers as shown here.
(web photo)
[Image: gs_magpie.jpg]
hahaa nathan buckley ... the fat one Big Grin

eddie mcguire in B&W Big Grin anything for a photo op
Looks like a magpie to me! Watch out that they don't divebomb you! Big Grin

They are known to be very protective of their young and swoop down on people...
Thanks for the comments ppl Smile
They have young un in tow (grey one on the left)

Butcherbirds get friendly like this too......