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Full Version: need a zoom lens for nikon fm2n
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i bought my gf a nikon fm2n for christmas with a basic lens and now she needs a new lens and since her b-day is coming up i thought it'd be a good time. the only thing is i'm clueless about equipment and i don't know what lenses are compatible with the camera and what a good buy is. if somebody could help me out i would really appreciate it. and keep in mind it's gonna be on a college kid's budget. thanks
Hi coreye:

The fm2n is a fine manual camera that is found in the bottom of many pro photographer's camera bag as it is small, and be used without battery power.

There are a wide variety of lenses available for it. Here is a list of some of Ken Rockwell's recommendations:


I could say don't spend extra money on an auto-focus lens - either AF or AF-S, but there is a great variety of AF lenses that will work with the fm2n - just stay away from "G" type auto focus lenses, and other lenses that do not have an aperature ring - they won't work. This will greatly expand your choices.

You may also want to check out used or online deals because many pro-quality manual lenses may be going for a song, by peolel who want auto-focus.

P.S. Don't ignore 3rd party lenses by companies such as Tamron, Vivitar, Toikina, and Sigma if you are on a budget. Any reputable camera store should be able to show you what is available - just let them know that your camera is a Nikon "F" mount, manual focus, manual exposure SLR.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.
no no that was just the help i needed. thank you so much. and thank for replying so quickly. your link was very helpful but most of the stuff was still kinda out of my price range for the time being. i've found a couple of cheaper lenses but i don't know if they are compatible with then fm2n. here a link if anyone wants to check it out and let me know


Yes these lenses should work with your camera.

Between these 2 - I would go for the Vivitar - I have never heard of Phoenix.

Here are 2 positive user feedbacks on the Vivitar:


Have you considered this one?


It is a few more dollars (about $15 US), but might be worth it - depending on how strapped for cash you are.
awesome. toad you're the man! or woman! anyway you rule!
No problem - happy to help.