These where taken a while ago, but i thought i post them here anyway.
The Berry Series
Comments and critique most welcome.
Fantastic! I love the work you've done, especially when combined with other elements such as the lemon slices and ice(?)...
Once again, the detail is superb and colour is amazing.
The richness is stunning. Not oversaturated, but a natural looking richness.
Very classy.

Well thank you ST and Rufus.
The second image is actually raspberries in a glas of water (camera facing straight down the glass)
Ice and lemon would probebly make a interesting image. thnx for the idea.
Great shots! Tack sharp, and the colors are very impressive. That goes for all the pictures you've posted here so far.
There is one thing though: Irma and I don't have large monitors, we have to scroll a lot to see your pictures. It's worth it, definitely, but everyone else here resizes to a maximum side width of 640. You could always link to larger sizes.
Thanx Guerito.
I will obey to the rule of 640, i forget my self when im running 1600x1200 everything seems to small

So here on after ill post them smaller. I hate scrolling aswell
These are stunningly detailed and so realistic. The fruit just makes my mouth water.
Ive seen a fair few of your posts now and have to say they're all quite outstanding. The ones of the child taken close up with the wide-angle spring to mind as they had such clarity and such as sense of he was going to pop his head through my screen!
D2X, nice hardware, great shots.
Thnx all for the comments and kind words.
Pretty hard not to say what has already been said. Simply beautiful. Well done Paul.