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Full Version: Grass Heads
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[Image: 53_brushyweedSM.jpg]
Would make great wallpaper.
Well I'm looking at it on my flat-panel monitor at work under fluorescent lights, so I may not be able to judge accurately, but I think this is excellent. The highlights seem a bit blown, and I'd be tempted to clone the grass at upper left that doesn't flow in the same direction as the rest, but compositionally this is really good. Great sense of movement and texture, and I can almost feel the breeze.

Was there much processing? If so, I'd like to see the original.
[Image: ORbrushyweedSM.jpg]

Here's the original.
Nicely done! I like the continuous flowing lines and the highlights of whites amidst the green grass. Nice eye for spotting it! Big Grin
Thanks shuttertalk
This is cool! I love the texture, it looks so feathery and fine.
Thanks Schellamo
I do like the softness and lower contrast of the original better, especially if you applied the same crop. It adds to the featheriness, in my opinion. Thanks for posting it.

Might also be interesting to shoot these grasses at a very low angle, instead of top-down.
I appreciate your suggestions. I think I have some other shots of this.
I too like the original much better. I was thinking the exact same thing about getting a lower angle as Mitch said.
Thanks Peto