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Full Version: Shuttertalk Photo Scavenger Hunt #1
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lol... you want another one? not many people joined in last time... perhaps if i make it so that you don't have to be in it...

and the shots more "arty" or abstract...? would people participate more?
If no one else is in it, and I'm the only one... then you can just give all vouchers to me!!BEHEHEHHE.. hahaha... joking Tongue

I think what stopped me from going much further was just lack of time, was quite busy with uni and stuff Smile
yeah .. .wait till some break or something .. but i guess those in the work force dont get semester breaks ..
Well how about an M&M styled event "mixups" something that can be fairly achieved across the world with a few twists and some that are bloody easy to get but encourage folks to show of the most creative way they can capture something simple even if style points aren't awarded Tongue

A washing line with a purple item on it.
A sleeping animal
Something broken
A religious book on a coffee table
Something frozen
"one pet, one shoe"
A person holding two vegetables (something for Adam)
Someone walking past a window with at least partial window and frame
A traffic cone (you know those orange things)
A mobile (cell) phone with "Shuttertalk" or "www.shuttertalk.com" on the display (bonus points if it is held by a child or the elderly)
Your states/provincial flag (bonus points if it is wrapped around someone)
Or one of my favourites... a person taking a photo (aside from yourself)
A child on a toy bicycle (bonus points for an adult)

Something like that?
I'm really liking the sound of that, Jamie...

I think I'll run that one next month. In the meantime, keep posting more ideas for the "tasks"...

This month I think I'm going to use the gallery to do this:
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