DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: What Level of Post Processing is Acceptable?
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StudioJ Wrote:Time to get your licence Smelly, you're old enough!
Whaat? :|
smelly Wrote:
StudioJ Wrote:Time to get your licence Smelly, you're old enough!
Whaat? :|

Doesn't matter, I have a friend who was 28 before he learned to drive. I don't know how people cope not knowing how though! Smile
I mostly just adjust color, exposure sometimes and sharpen/crop. I have occasionally cloned out items.... such as trash in a landscape shot or a lightpole that just looked wrong.
I don't need to be "accurate." I treat my photographs like poems. I want to tell the truth but I don't have to be literal. I use post processing to cope with the limitations of my camera and my photographic situations and opportunities. I use post processing to make a statement by exaggeration and emphasis. Taste is the guide not accuracy.

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