Wow, it's certainly a quiet day today on ST... so... how are things where you are?
I'm currently sitting at my desk at the office -staring out the 31st floor window at the streets below. It's 9 degrees C outside (brrr), but the sun is shining.
Drinking some diet coke at the moment.... mm.....

Hot day at work today. Just finished watching Rock Star Inxs. Have been tuning in on a regular basis. Been cheking in to ST a few times tonight and noticing it's slow. Bummer!

Here, it was boring yesterday.... I have had a painter working at home already for a week... and still he will be working few days more...a lot to clean at home

I am studying like crazy for my driver's license written exam... around 800 questions...

It's nearly 7 a.m. in the morning...The weather is ungly... rainy and cold... No time and no good weather for new pictures

Our son treated Joyce and I to a trip to Lake Winnipeg at Grand Beach. I even swam in the lake. This is the first time I had been immersed in water for about 5 years or more. It felt great.
![[Image: atbeach3SM.jpg]](
Wow, wish I could swap with you Don!
I'd rather be swimming in the sunshine than in the office, anyday!

I've been out in 105F heat for the last 3 days shooting pictures of local schools for work. The car dealership is starting a program to donate $25 for every car sold to local schools, with the car buyer deciding which school district gets helped.
I now have over 120 images carefully prepared, processed and on CD to give to the advertising agency in the morning. I've spent 3 days to get 120 shots of 15 schools foir them to use 8-12 shots in a TV commercial we are having made
So I got to drive around using a dealership car, gas and my camera equipment on works time and shoot shots... now if I could just negotiate a bonus for the work LOL.
wow great! now to get them to pay for your camera equipment too...

Ugh, I've been at work all day...its been so sluggish today! But hey, at least I didn't have to deal with the baby. He's been a real ratbag this week....
Slow? Whats that? I actually had a rather peaceful day today so I thought I best join in. Went to the lab and bitched about prints being too dark, had lunch out with my better half and bub. Took a few fisheye shots at a local skate park for a community group, did up some proofs and now I'm sitting here annoying you lot
Wish I could be off swimming like Unkie Don though!
Irma Wrote:I am studying like crazy for my driver's license written exam... around 800 questions...
I just re-read this thread and my Jaw Dropped, 800 questions Irma!!!! Crazy, the California one has.............. 36.
800 questions you need to study and learn by heart. I really don't know how many questions I will have in the exam....

Some questions are 1 point but others are 4 points with if your mistakes are more than 8 points you fail the exam...
They ask you from common sense questions... to formulas for example, to calculate de distance of braking when you drive at certain speed.... when the road is dry AND when the road is wet...

wow!! no way!! More than 8 out of 800 and you fail?!?
how long does it take to do the test?
my gosh, you'd better want to eat your weet bix on exam day!

The exam has 50 questions from those 800, and you have 90 minutes to answer... If you have two wrong and those two have a value of 4 points each... you fail the exam...
At least, this exam will be in Spanish, Spanish from Spain, which is a bit different from latin american Spanish... but it isn't much problem... The driving exam will be in German

Just sitting here in my office, sweating. Atleast we got a bit of a break today. its only 29 degrees celcius and the humidex isn't as bad. But from what I hear the weekend is going to bring back the brutal temperatures and humidity.
It's been over 40 degrees C here for over a month now. 29 seems so pleasant LOL!
EnglishBob Wrote:It's been over 40 degrees C here for over a month now. 29 seems so pleasant LOL!
Different heat in Toronto Craig. The humidity will choke ya. Elderly die in the heat they get.
Petographer Wrote:EnglishBob Wrote:It's been over 40 degrees C here for over a month now. 29 seems so pleasant LOL!
Different heat in Toronto Craig. The humidity will choke ya. Elderly die in the heat they get.
you think the humidity is bad there , some down south a " few " miles . right now its 94 F here and has been near 100 for about 2 weeks. WE NEED RAIN!!

EnglishBob Wrote:I now have over 120 images carefully prepared, processed and on CD to give to the advertising agency in the morning. I've spent 3 days to get 120 shots of 15 schools foir them to use 8-12 shots in a TV commercial we are having made 
Well, I wasn't very happy about the quality of the pictures but I heard back from the Agency and they say they are great, and would I be interested in any freelance still photography work they have availabe
While I am flattered I am thinking I am going to tell them no, I don't want any "work" pressure to spoil my hobby.
Wow great stuff Craig... the decision is yours to make, but congrats anyway!

Congrats Craig. Sounds like that would be a tough decision. I have a wedding to do this-afternoon and next week is another cat show.

Gotta love the furry critters. Stay tuned.