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I'm beginning to take a real interest in "street" (for want of a better word) style photography, trying to take an interest in what's going on around us from day to day. So here's my first example.
I'm here to learn so don't hold back with your thoughts and comments.

[Image: setting_out_s.jpg]

Oh, I couldn't see if there was a maximum size rule so all my pictures will be longest side at 800px unless I'm told otherwise.
FreddyFeatures Wrote:I'm beginning to take a real interest in "street" (for want of a better word) style photography,

Yes, "street photography" is the name of the genre. No need for a better word, although "photojournalism" has some overlap.

I tend to think that in this type of photography, it is generally better if the subject is not looking at the camera. You should be capturing a random moment in the street scene, but this makes it feel like the viewer (photographer) is the one who was caught!

Also, your shooting angle was low which makes it difficult to see what objects he is setting out. Last, it's a bit underexposed.

Here are a couple of brief overviews of the subject:


Have fun!
Good advice by Slej. Your image size is fine. Personally I like to keep mine at 640x427 or even a tad lower as it makes home printing quality poor. 4x6 would come out rather grainy especially at 120kbs. That just personal preference. Something to ponder. Smile
Thanks for the links slejhamer, plenty to work on I know.
He's actually setting out "naughty" DVDs which I think is why I was spotted so quickly.
FreddyFeatures Wrote:He's actually setting out "naughty" DVDs which I think is why I was spotted so quickly.

Big Grin
Big Grin
Big Grin
Big Grin

I have to do one of these 'street' shots' for an assignment in the photography course I'm doing. But I haven't been game enough yet. Its my mission for tomorrow Tongue

Did the guy tell you to nick off when he caught you photographing him?
I tried my best "I'm just a tourist" look.

I think he might have got the hump had I started looking for a better angle. Smile
Hey great shot Freddy! I think you've captured the street scene perfectly!

Now that you've explained what DVDs they were, I just love the smirk on the woman in the back... Big Grin
I reckon anything goes, to be honest; each crop/viewpoint can tell a different story; I also think the fact that the subject here is "caught looking" adds to the well-captured sense of the "shifty"!
When I've done such things in the past(er, candids/photojournalism, that is!) by far the best and most authentic results came from the following:
Not using a telephoto to hide behind, as it detracts from intimacy.
Keeping a high-ish ASA for depth of field and "grain" possibilities.
And the best: using a wide angle and learning how to shoot from the hip: Cartier-Bresson used to get the odd threat as he prowled for his "decisive moments", but his whisper-quiet Leica saved him from the smack in the mouth! Using a wide angle necessitates intimacy, allows wider apertures for a given depth of field, and even brings about the opportunity for shots to emerge from conversations you might initiate with the subject(s).
With the shooting from the hip one gets the exciting frisson of a lower viewpoint, odd angles and that feeling of not knowing exactly what is there until it's processed...turns it all into a grand day out IMO!
Thanks for that advice Zig - I might try that aproach when I'm out this week and see what happens (I'll wait for the gum shield to arrive in the post first though.)
hahaha! "Going for a tramp around the block" as long as he can't run, an' all that!
(The right kit just has to be chinos, Pringle sweater and that fetching Jessops/Billingham combo..with the name of the camera make emblazoned across the strap and a hat with Gumby written on Big Grin
Zig Wrote:(The right kit just has to be chinos, Pringle sweater and that fetching Jessops/Billingham combo..with the name of the camera make emblazoned across the strap and a hat with Gumby written on Big Grin

You've seen me haven't you? Wink