I don't think I've posted these ones here before. Just give me a kick up the butt if I have.
3. Thanks for your critique on these ones guys, I just thought I'd share what I ended up with!
Thanks for looking

The poster is great!! Very touching thoughts... I like it a lot
The first two pictures are great as well, you captured his expression nicely in both... I like the convertion in the first one.... He is a beautiful baby....
Super stuff. I'm looking forward to being able to take pics of a baby boy. Going to be a big change ...
I really like the perspective in which you took the 2nd shot. Also the series that you worked on looks great. Well done Schell.

Irma, thanks very much. I'm planning on getting the poster printed to hang in my sitting room or something.
Mitch, are you expecting a baby boy- if so congrats! I had actually hoped I would have a girl, but now that I have him, I'm SO glad he's a boy!
Peto, Thanks- your comments mean a lot to me. I'm starting to feel like my photography is actually starting to improve! (which is great motivation to go and take more photos)
Hmmm, I'm glad that I shared the poster - I never noticed what a bad clone job I did until I posted it on here :o
Just as well I can fix it before I print it.
You are right - he is a cutie!!
Love the B/W treatment...
You have to save the blue eared suit pictures for the first time he brings a girl home