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Okay, Madelyn, take a step backward toward the flowers.

"But Daddy, I don't want to."

Okay, stay there, but turn a little to the right.

(Doesn't budge.)

Turn right.

(No movement.)

Okay, look at the trees on your right.

"I don't want to."

Look at the birdy in the tree.

(Stares at camera.)

Okay, smile big!

(Gives a 1/2-smile.)


[Image: 49144269.jpg]

Hey, not too bad for a snapshot! Too bad the sun wasn't a little lower; could have gotten more detail in her hair.

ISO 200, ~100mm or so, f/4.5, fill flash, converted using "cloudy" WB to make it warm, and then added #85 warming filter in PS to make it even warmer.
slejhamer Wrote:Okay, Madelyn, take a step backward toward the flowers.

"But Daddy, I don't want to."

Okay, stay there, but turn a little to the right.

(Doesn't budge.)

Turn right.

(No movement.)

Okay, look at the trees on your right.

"I don't want to."

Look at the birdy in the tree.

(Stares at camera.)

Okay, smile big!

(Gives a 1/2-smile.)


Hey, not too bad for a snapshot! Too bad the sun wasn't a little lower; could have gotten more detail in her hair.

ISO 200, ~100mm or so, f/4.5, fill flash, converted using "cloudy" WB to make it warm, and then added #85 warming filter in PS to make it even warmer.

That's priceless - both the story and the picci! Big Grin Big Grin

I love the expression on her face -- victory!

Big Grin Big Grin Classic!!

Thanks for adding the exif and post processing info.
Thanks. Hard to believe she's already 3-1/2 and soon to be a big sister. Smile
slejhamer Wrote:Thanks. Hard to believe she's already 3-1/2 and soon to be a big sister. Smile

Our second son will be 30 next Sunday! Seems like only yesterday he was 3.

I was only 5 when he was born.

I'll be 35 at the end of this month. Big Grin

Time flies!

Wonderful! What a pretty photo and a lovely child.
Beautiful shot regardless, Mitch!

When's your 2nd one due? Tell us more! Big Grin
Very nice shot Mitch. Your girls are always beautiful to see. I need to ask, what was the shutter speed and why 200 iso? The first question might answer the second I'm thinking. :/
Thanks, all.

Peto: shutter was 1/200s. I was using the 70-200 f/4 which, for me, really needs a shutter speed greater than focal length x 1.6 sensor factor. So shooting at ~100mm, I needed at least 1/160s to minimize shake, and bumping the ISO is an easy way to get there. Actually, I usually use ISO 400 with this lens, but it was sunny enough that I notched it down one. And I was using flash too. I want IS !!!

ST: our THIRD ( :o ), who is a boy ( Cool ) is due around Halloween. But my wife delivered the first two (both girls) early by an average 10 days, and it's quite likely she will do a Cesarian delivery this time as there are complications. So we are planning for mid-October, perhaps earlier. My guess is the 7th, she says the 14th. GETTING CLOSE!!!
Great shot and beautiful subject.
slejhamer Wrote:ST: our THIRD ( :o ), who is a boy ( Cool ) is due around Halloween. But my wife delivered the first two (both girls) early by an average 10 days, and it's quite likely she will do a Cesarian delivery this time as there are complications. So we are planning for mid-October, perhaps earlier. My guess is the 7th, she says the 14th. GETTING CLOSE!!!

Ooops, sorry mate! My bad! Must be looking forward to having a boy for the girls to pick on... Big Grin

Wow, not long now!
I like her smile... She is a beautiful girl Smile