I happened to be going over to Salt Spring Island this weekend for my girlfriends birthday (weekend getaway). To get there we have to take the BC Ferries across (2 boats). Since we took the later one, we had a beautiful sunset to view thru the islands. I took this image of the locking carabiner that holds the emergency liferafts on the outside. I tried my best to keep the image in the same way I saw it. The bright orange of the sun was reflecting off the white decks, acting as a backlight on the carabiners.
edit notes: RAW image, a little rotating, unsharpen mask, run thru neatimage, and a little stroke borderwork.
That's a very striking image! Beautiful hues and such detail. Lovely.
Excellent! Pin sharp and lovely colours.
Love the colour, sharpness and focus...
Great close-up. As said, beautiful colour.

Wonderful. Almost feels like a composite.
Lovely tight detail shot - just the kind of thing I like.
Great pic,good imagination.
Wow, thank you all for your comments! This image turned out 100times better than I thought. Its always hard to imagine what the image will look like on a computer screen rather than the 1.5" lcd screen, but I had a feeling it was going to turn out alright. It was a little hard to get a good stance as the ferry was swaying side to side, plus there was quite a strong wind as well.
I took a few photo's on the ferry, and only one or two more of the carabiner. I will edit those and post them up as well.
Wow, it is so sharp, clear and the colours are fantastic. Did you use a polarising filter?
What an awesome shot!
Thanks! No filter. Just zoomed in, put on the macro setting (i think?) and thats it.